There are some absolutely key rules about updates. First rule: Know what you’re updating. Is it Microsoft Windows? Is it Adobe Reader or Flash Player? Is it your anti-virus software? Is it Java? Is it the IOS on your iPhone or iPad? All of them are legitimate updaters. Second rule: Assume the worst – the update will break your device. Hence, do the update when it’s convenient to lose the computer for an overnight or day. Don’t try to “squeeze” the update in between major deadlines or projects. Third rule: Know beforehand what you will do if there are problems. If you know you absolutely positively must continue working on something and you must do an update, then copy critical data to a thumb drive or other media before you do the update. You have no idea whether the update will finish, will work, will leave you with a broken computer – unlike gambling, you can do something pro-active before you roll the dice!